Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf

What do Superman, Thor, Batman, and Captain America all have in common?

Superhero Bulking Program Workout (INSANE KINOBODY PUMP!)this Superhero Bulking Program workout I'll show you a taste of the insane. Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program (PDF) Review. The Superhero Bulking Program by Greg O’Gallagher is an advanced routine for guys who want to take their body to the next level. It isn’t for everyone, but some users are experiencing fantastic progress. We’ll look at the details of the program a little later.

They’re jacked.

Now, it’s not clear if their genetic mutations make them that way naturally (do they even lift, bro?). But one thing is certain:

If you want a body like a superhero, you’re going to have to get your butt to the gym and lift some heavy weights.

Luckily, Greg O’Gallagher from Kinobody has come up with a perfect weight training program designed to get you that superhero body.

It’s called the Superhero Bulking Program.

I’m about to tell you everything you could possibly want to know about this program, so let’s dive in to the basics first.


Overall, the Superhero Bulking Program is a crazy effective muscle and strength building course. It’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had following a workout program, and I’ve tried them all!

You’ll get a ton of advanced ideas for busting strength plateaus, and advice on how to strategically gain muscle as a more advanced lifter. However, the video quality is poor and it’d be great if there were a little more detail in the nutrition guide.

What I LikedWhat I Didn’t Like
The program works! (Scroll down for transformations)Video quality is poor
Only 3 workouts per week!A little bit pricey for a workout program
An absolute ton of advanced plateau-busting strategies

Does the Superhero Bulking Program work?

Abso-friggin-lutely it does.

I want to mention here that I’ve not personally followed the program (yet), but I’ve been on the other Kinobody programs for almost a year and have seen great results.

Kinobody works.

Just take a look at this Superhero transformation:

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How hard is it?

That depends.

Can you get to the gym three days per week and eat lots of great food?

If you can do that, you can get a Superhero Physique. It’s not easy, but it’s simple and it works.

Is the program a good value?


As I’ll mention later, there is a LOT of content included here. You get multiple different workout variations and bonuses to keep your physique improving for a long time to come.

What do you get with the Superhero Bulking Program?

Inside this program, you’ll find:

  • Intro and philosophy of the course (and why it’s different from traditional bodybuilding)
  • Access to a private members’ support forum
  • In-depth explanations of two key training styles: Reverse Pyramid and Rest Pause
  • The full workout routine: Four different three-day splits that rotate to focus on different muscle groups.
  • Video demonstrations
  • Nutrition and diet plan
  • Tons of bonus content

How do you get it?

All of the Kinobody programs come delivered via an interface called Teachable, which lists different modules you then work your way through.

It’s set up much like an online educational class would be. It’s interactive and works fairly well, though it’s not particularly flashy.

It’s nice to have the program written out though, as opposed to programs that come only on DVD or digital video.

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf

(And yes, that means there is no Superhero Bulking Program pdf)

A post shared by Kinobody 💪🏻 (@gregogallagher) on

Pros and Cons of the Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program

Let’s dive in to what I liked and didn’t like about the program.


Multiple specialization phases.

This isn’t a program where you’ll be banging your head against a wall with the same exercises for 12-16 weeks at a time. It’s set up so that every 8 weeks, you switch up the routine:

First, targeting your chest and back hard. Then building out your shoulders. Then bringing up your arms. And finally returning to a somewhat even split for a few more weeks. The Superhero Bulking Program definitely keeps things interesting and attacks lagging muscle groups.

By far the most leg work of any Kinobody program.

Greg’s programs come under fire a lot for not including many leg exercises, but Superhero would be the exception. On the lower body day you’ll be doing at least 3-4 great leg moves to put on just the right amount of size.

Superhero Cardio.

By no means is cardio necessary on the Superhero Bulking Program, but after all… shouldn’t a hero have excellent athleticism and endurance? Greg has put together a pretty cool and unique guide to bringing up your overall conditioning without sabotaging your muscle gains.

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf Free

Tons of bonus material.

If you really want massive and powerful legs, there’s a bonus workout just for that.

If you’d like a spreadsheet to help you track your progress, there’s one included. And there’s yet another workout modification based on the “Thor” physique, which is all about upper chest and shoulders. There’s just a ton of content here.


The videos.

I mention this in all my reviews of the Kinobody programs, but Greg’s videos could really use an update.

The two videos included in the Superhero program are pretty low quality and don’t really match up with the workout program. In the videos he only demonstrates a few exercises, and in a different order from how they appear in the split.

(Greg recently mentioned on Instagram that he would be re-filming and adding content for his programs, so stay tuned.)

Nutrition plan is sparse.

The diet plan here is pretty simple: Small calorie surplus with an adequate mix of macronutrients and adequate protein. That’s pretty much it. Greg does give some information on how to use Intermittent Fasting during a lean bulk, but this is pretty straightforward. It might be nice to have some information on troubleshooting the diet if you’re gaining weight too fast or having trouble putting on muscle.

And that’s pretty much it!

The Verdict

I definitely recommend the Superhero Bulking Program for anyone who’s ready to pack on SERIOUS muscle and get the body they never even dreamed of having.

You’ll have to look past the outdated and amateurish videos, but the content inside is absolute gold. There’s a ton of knowledge and muscle-building hacks included, and if you follow the program to a tee, I have no doubt your physique will reach new heights.

Ready to join the Superhero Bulking Program today? Follow these 4 simple steps to get an easy $20 off:

  • Click here to take the Kinobody Physique Builder Quiz(opens in a new tab), and enter your gender and age.
  • Under “Condition,” choose “I have low levels of body fat.”
  • Under “Goal,” choose the “Superhero Physique”
  • Wam! Zap! Pow! The next page will give you your one-day-only $20 discount

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Review & Transformations
Evan Porter
Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program

The Missing Link to Becoming

I want to discuss one of the key factors separating those get ripped vs those who do not.

Now in the last 8 years I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people get into incredible shape in just a matter of months. These are people from all walks of live who are leaning down and building bodies fit for the movie screen!

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf Free

And there’s a common denominator in my top clients that are lean and ripped year round!
Now if you’ve followed my content for years, you probably already know that getting into incredible shape comes down to getting stronger on key lifts for perfect proportion and most importantly…

I want to discuss one of the key factors separating those get ripped vs those who do not.

Now in the last 8 years I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people get into incredible shape in just a matter of months. These are people from all walks of live who are leaning down and building bodies fit for the movie screen!

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf

And there’s a common denominator in my top clients that are lean and ripped year round!
Now if you’ve followed my content for years, you probably already know that getting into incredible shape comes down to getting stronger on key lifts for perfect proportion and most importantly…

Which believe it or not, can be the most confusing and challenging factor. Lets face it, hitting your workouts can be an absolute blast. But all that hard work can be undone if you don’t have your nutrition plan dialled in.


Eat too many calories and you can workout like an absolute beast – but you will never achieve a ripped physique. Eat too little, and you will start to sacrifice precious muscle tissue and end up skinny fat.

Which believe it or not, can be the most confusing and challenging factor. Lets face it, hitting your workouts can be an absolute blast. But all that hard work can be undone if you don’t have your nutrition plan dialled in.

Eat too many calories and you can workout like an absolute beast – but you will never achieve a ripped physique. Eat too little, and you will start to sacrifice precious muscle tissue and end up skinny fat.

You see, the missing link to looking like a Movie Star is having a simple and downright delicious meal plan that allows you to perfectly hit your bodies nutritional needs. This is when getting ripped becomes automatic and downright enjoyable.

Now, it’s one thing to know how many calories and protein you should be eating each day! It’s a WHOLE OTHER, to actually consistently hit those numbers day after day and week after week.

You see, the missing link to looking like a Movie Star is having a simple and downright delicious meal plan that allows you to perfectly hit your bodies nutritional needs. This is when getting ripped becomes automatic and downright enjoyable.

Now, it’s one thing to know how many calories and protein you should be eating each day! It’s a WHOLE OTHER, to actually consistently hit those numbers day after day and week after week.

The cold harsh truth is this, most people think they are hitting their calories and protein when they most certainly are not! In fact, many of my clients that were struggling to lean down actually thought they were hitting their calories and protein correctly. But sure enough, when we did the audit – they were often over-eating their calories to the tune of 300-400 per day! No wonder they weren’t leaning down.

Once I gave them a simple and delicious meal plan for their calorie and protein needs – that’s when their physique improved like clock work. Finally, they were getting the right calorie intake in each day and now they were reaping the rewards.

The cold harsh truth is this, most people think they are hitting their calories and protein when they most certainly are not! In fact, many of my clients that were struggling to lean down actually thought they were hitting their calories and protein correctly. But sure enough, when we did the audit – they were often over-eating their calories to the tune of 300-400 per day! No wonder they weren’t leaning down.

Once I gave them a simple and delicious meal plan for their calorie and protein needs – that’s when their physique improved like clock work. Finally, they were getting the right calorie intake in each day and now they were reaping the rewards.

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf

The most powerful way to sustain Movie Star Shape 365 days a year?
A delicious and satisfying nutrition plan.

The most powerful way to sustain Movie Star Shape 365 days a year?
A delicious and satisfying nutrition plan.

The nutrition to getting ripped is actually quite simple. It’s actually a numbers game. You must consume the right number of calories, protein, fats and carbs. If you hit your numbers your body will transform, simple as that. If you don’t, you will be spinning your wheels for months.

Doesn’t sound so hard, right?

Wrong! It’s actually pretty difficult to consistently hit the proper number of calories and protein each day. In fact, in clinical studies most people underestimate their calories by 50%!! In this case, someone that thinks they are eating 2000 calories per day, is actually eating a whopping 3000. No wonder most people struggle to get ripped.

In Movie Star Chef, I will be showing you how to effortlessly hit the proper number of calories each and every day. It will make getting into crazy shape so automatic and easy.

The nutrition to getting ripped is actually quite simple. It’s actually a numbers game. You must consume the right number of calories, protein, fats and carbs. If you hit your numbers your body will transform, simple as that. If you don’t, you will be spinning your wheels for months.

Doesn’t sound so hard, right?

Wrong! It’s actually pretty difficult to consistently hit the proper number of calories and protein each day. In fact, in clinical studies most people underestimate their calories by 50%!! In this case, someone that thinks they are eating 2000 calories per day, is actually eating a whopping 3000. No wonder most people struggle to get ripped.

In Movie Star Chef, I will be showing you how to effortlessly hit the proper number of calories each and every day. It will make getting into crazy shape so automatic and easy.

Now the other factor stopping people from achieving their goals is adherence, dietary adherence. Those who have their tracking dialed in, well often they fall of their diet. Their diet is boring and bland and they screw up every week. This will absolutely stop you from achieving your goals.

Well in Movie Star Chef, we have created the most delicious, simple and downright enjoyable recipes that hit your nutritional needs. You are going to be satisfied every day on this meal plan. The times of you falling off your diet and binge eating will be all but forgotten. You will conquer each day to your most ripped physique of your life.

Now the other factor stopping people from achieving their goals is adherence, dietary adherence. Those who have their tracking dialed in, well often they fall of their diet.

Their diet is boring and bland and they screw up every week. This will absolutely stop you from achieving your goals.

Well in Movie Star Chef, we have created the most delicious, simple and downright enjoyable recipes that hit your nutritional needs.

You are going to be satisfied every day on this meal plan.

The times of you falling off your diet and binge eating will be all but forgotten. You will conquer each day to your most ripped physique of your life.

The strongest driver of your physique is nutrition.
In order to lean down and maintain muscle, you need the right amount of calories and protein.

Months ago, I launched my coaching program Movie Star Body, and we’ve been seeing some of the best results produced from those coaching clients.

The key is helping people crush their diets.

In fact, one of the guys in the group was an incredible cook, Ricky from Montréal. Ricky started sharing delicious recipes inside the coaching group, and everyone was RAVING about them and the results they were getting.

The reality is that if you have a plan where you know exactly WHAT to eat, with meals keeping you full, while hitting your calories and protein – then it makes getting in shape so much easier.

The power of becoming a Movie Star Chef isbeing able to make getting ripped automatic

I decided to collaborate with Ricky and have him create the
full-fledged Movie Star Chef cookbook, based on the nutrition protocols for Movie Star Body.

DIY burrito bowls, steak recipes, potato recipes, pancakes, rice krispy snacks, desserts, tacos… Just about every mouth-watering food you can imagine is inside the cookbook.

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf

Even better, the recipes are SIMPLE.

Whereas you might have once found yourself trying to follow intricate recipes off the internet with over 3 dozen ingredients and some rare spices one can only find overseas; The Movie Star Chef will make getting ripped so much more enjoyable AND fun by cutting out the confusion.


Every recipe inside Movie Star Chef includes calories and the macros counted for you.

I decided to collaborate with Ricky and have him create the
full-fledged Movie Star Chef cookbook, based on the nutrition protocols for Movie Star Body.

DIY burrito bowls, steak recipes, potato recipes, pancakes, rice krispy snacks, desserts, tacos… Just about every mouth-watering food you can imagine is inside the cookbook.

Even better, the recipes are SIMPLE.

Whereas you might have once found yourself trying to follow intricate recipes off the internet with over 3 dozen ingredients and some rare spices one can only find overseas; The Movie Star Chef will make getting ripped so much more enjoyable AND fun by cutting out the confusion.

Every recipe inside Movie Star Chef includes calories and the macros counted for you.

Get instant access to 60+ recipes with full calorie and macronutrient break downs inside Movie Star Chef

Kinobody Superhero Bulking Program Pdf Free Printable Chart

Take a look at some of these Movie Star Chef recipes!

Get instant access to over 60 recipes inside Movie Star Chef and comprehensive meal plans to get you shredded

Lifetime Access to Movie Star Chef
  • Calories counted on each recipe
  • 17 tasty recipe ideas for your “small meal”
  • 19 mouthwatering recipe ideas for your “big feast”
  • 16 sweet dessert recipes for your late night snack
  • DIY Burrito bowl meal plan
Movie Star Chef with seven different meal plans to hit your calorie goals for fat loss and muscle gains
  • Calories counted on each recipe
  • 17 tasty recipe ideas for your “small meal”
  • 19 mouthwatering recipe ideas for your “big feast”
  • 16 sweet dessert recipes for your late night snack
  • DIY Burrito bowl meal plan
  • Movie Star Chef Facebook Group