Program Like Aida

ASMDemo was a text-only 16-bit software running under MS-DOS. Later, it was renamed to AIDA and 20 years ago it was ported to Windows. Today, AIDA64 is not only available for Windows PCs but in the past 5 years we have released a fleet of apps covering all major mobile platforms too. Can some one tell me of another program like aida 32 that will detect every thing in my computer but is better than aida32 please! Joined Jun 14, 2002. AIDA32 is a freeware system information, diagnostics, and auditing program written by Tamas Miklos that runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems. It displays detailed information on the components of a computer. Information can be saved to file in formats such as HTML, CSV, or XML. Development of the program was halted as of March 24, 2004.

  1. Program Like Aida Meaning

About Explore Engineering

Program like aida online

The UConn Explore Engineering (E2) Program is typically a one-week residential STEM summer camp for current high school sophomores and juniors. During this exciting week at the University of Connecticut Storrs Campus participants explore engineering careers by working in small groups with School of Engineering faculty and students. They will learn what various engineers do in the workplace and see engineering concepts demonstrated. During the evenings, through the YESS Program, students focus on a single engineering discipline by fabricating a discipline-specific device. The week wraps up with demonstrations of items the students created during the week. Examples have included: rudimentary EKG devices, Smart Lego vehicles that can follow a trail, fuel cell and other energy efficient devices, wooden bridges, environmentally friendly processes, and how to resolve differences.

Program Cancelled for 2021

We recently received word that UConn is not allowing non-UConn students on campus this summer, indicating that Explore Engineering would need to be fully virtual again.

After long deliberation *we have made the heavy decision to cancel the multi-day [virtual] camp known as Explore Engineering for Summer 2021*.

Program Like AidaAida

We recognize that with the availability of vaccines and local and state government relaxing regulations and moving towards fully re-opening, and acknowledging the “Zoom Burnout” that many students have from this school year, a virtual camp does not feel like it is the right thing for our community this summer.

Instead, we’d like to encourage high school students to step outside (if safe to do so), and re-encounter and engage with the world we’ve been missing the past year.

We’d like to explore the option of hosting a handful of in person “Engineering in the Park” type of activities at various outdoor locations across the state of Connecticut to better reach students their communities in ways that don’t involve screen time.

Program Like Aida Meaning

Please fill out this form if you would be interested in participating in these activities.