When will I be able to access the Lessons in the app?
- Self Realization Fellowship Lessons Review
- Self Realization Fellowship Lessons App
- Self Realization Fellowship Lessons Cost
- Self-realization Fellowship Lessons Pdf
- Self-realization Fellowship Lessons
We are offering the digital format as an additional resource but not as a replacement for the paper Lessons. We therefore want students to receive the paper Lesson before that Lesson is unlocked in the app. While the app will list all the Lessons, a Lesson in the app will be available to read only after the corresponding paper Lesson reaches you (i.e., one week after the paper Lesson is dispatched domestically, two weeks internationally).
Why can’t I get the Lessons on my computer or Windows devices?
The New York City Center is a branch of Self-Realization Fellowship, a world-wide religious movement founded by Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi. The purpose of Self-Realization Fellowship is to disseminate a knowledge of definite scientific techniques of yoga meditation for attaining direct. T he Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons are unique among Paramahansa Yogananda’s published writings in that they give his step-by-step instructions in the yoga techniques of meditation, concentration, and energization that he taught, including Kriya Yoga.
At this time, the proprietary software for delivering these confidential studies is only available through our SRF Lessons app. We are exploring the possibility of making the Lessons available on computers and Windows tablet devices in the future. However, the auxiliary content—written, audio, and video—included with the new edition of the Lessons is available on the online member portal of the SRF website. That content is accessible in a browser window on all computers and mobile devices.
On how many devices can I install and use the app?
You can install and use the SRF Lessons app on up to 10 Apple (iOS) and/or Android devices simultaneously.

How do I access the auxiliary materials for a Lesson?
Click on the multimedia button that appears under each Lesson title. Please note that there are no auxiliary materials in the “Overview,” “Highest Achievements Through Self-Realization,” and “Preface.” The auxiliary materials are available starting with Lesson 1.
Why can’t I see the auxiliary material for the Lessons when I am offline?
The auxiliary material that accompanies each Lesson is only available streamed, not as a download. Streaming this content ensures the security of copyrighted material meant solely for students of the Lessons.
How do I get support if something is not functioning correctly in the app or if I want to report a bug?

From the home screen of the app, click on the Settings icon in the top right corner, and then select “Support.” This will create a draft email in which you can type in details of the problem and send the email. The more information you can provide about the problem, the easier it will be for us to respond quickly and effectively.
If you are unable to open the app to access the support menu, please send an email to apptechsupport@yogananda-srf.org describing the problem in detail, giving your device make, model, operating system, etc. The more information you can provide about the problem, the easier it will be for us to respond quickly and effectively.
What “Permissions” need to be given during installation of the app and why?
The app needs the “Media, Photos and Storage” permission to store Lessons data and allow offline functionality.
Self Realization Fellowship Lessons Review
The app also requires notification permission if you would like to receive study reminders and notifications of new Lessons that become available.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Self Realization Fellowship Lessons App
Founder of Self-Realization Fellowship
Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda Paramahansa Yogananda (1893–1952) is regarded as one of the most prominent spiritual leaders of our time. He is the author of Autobiography of a yogi, one of the best-selling spiritual classics. This beloved world teacher came to America from India in 1920 and was the first great yoga master that stayed in the West for a longer period of time (more than 30 years). He is now widely recognized as the father of yoga in the West. He founded Self-Realization Fellowship (1920) and Yogoda Satsanga Society, which carry on his spiritual heritage all over the world under the guidance of Brother Chidananda.
Autobiography of a yogi
Autobiography of ayogi is one of the most widely acclaimed spiritual classics in the world.
As the life story of Paramahansa Yogananda — who is often referred to as the Father of Yoga in the West — the book has touched the hearts and minds of millions around the globe. Translated into many languages, it has served as an ambassador for India’s ancient science of Yoga, introducing countless readers to the methods for attaining God-realization that are India’s unique and lasting contribution to world civilization.
- From its first publication in 1946 the book was received with great enthusiasm and considered to be a masterpiece. In 1999 it received the honorary title of one of the ‘100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century’. Nowadays this account of an undeniably impressive life succeeds in making spiritual knowledge accessible to a wide audience, something that was previously attainable only to a handful of people.
SRF Lessons
With his comprehensive teaching, Paramahansa Yogananda has made an impact on the lives of millions of people in the following fields:
– the science of Kriya Yoga mediation
– the fundamental unity of all religions
– the art of a balanced health and well-being of body, mind and soul.
The SRF Lessons are available for anyone that wishes to study them. Self-Realization Fellowship offers meditations plus energy-recharging and concentration exercises, as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. These are an integral part of the science of Kriya Yoga. In addition, this comprehensive home study offers inspiring and practical guidance to achieve a balanced physical, mental and spiritual well-being. More information on the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons can be found in the booklet Undreamed-of-Possibilities, that is available from our meditation circles or on request from SRF in Los Angeles.
Thoughts to Live by
Self Realization Fellowship Lessons Cost
When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything.
Paramhansa Yogananda
Thoughts to Live by
If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy. But if you make up your mind to be happy, no one and nothing on earth can take that happiness from you.
Paramhansa Yogananda
Thoughts to Live by
Self-realization Fellowship Lessons Pdf
Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Self-realization Fellowship Lessons

Thoughts to Live by
Mind is the creator of everything. You should therefore guide it to create only good. If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power, it finally assumes a tangible outward form. When you are able to employ your will always for constructive purposes, you become the controller of your destiny.
Paramahansa Yogananda